DMO Regional Unit of Trikala

The purpose of the creation of the DMO is to join forces at a local level, cooperate and act in order to promote continuously the prefecture of Trikala and the tourist product of the region. The Board of Directors of the DMO is equally represented by all bodies of the prefecture chaired by the president of the Chamber of Trikala. In addition, a Consultation Committee consisted of associations, unions, and professionals of the tourism sector of the prefecture were formed to support and enhance the participation level. These two management bodies create the promotion strategy of the tourist product and decide the actions to be taken. The DMO of the Regional Unit of Trikala operates in a base of a Business Action Plan whose main objectives are:
- utilize the rich cultural heritage and the natural wealth of the prefecture of Trikala
- promote and strengthen the Brand Name of Meteora and the whole region as well
- promote the local products and the local gastronomy
- attract a larger number of visitors – tourists in the area and increase their average stay
- respect and protect the environment and the quality of life of the inhabitants and ensure the development of sustainable tourism
- create new employment prospects and economic growth for the region.